Isaac and The Twins

Remember, the central question of Genesis 12-36 is about family: what will it take to raise the next generation so that the Covenant can be successfully passed down?

Alarmingly, it is unclear at first whether Isaac will be an adequate link in the chain. Compared to Abraham’s activity and far-sightedness, Isaac seems weak and is literally blind in his old age. And he certainly doesn't seem capable of making wise decisions with regard to his sons. Esau, as the story about the stew and the birthright shows, does not have what it takes to be the next carrier of the Covenant. [I’m preaching on that passage this Sunday.] Fortunately for Isaac, he has married well! Rebekah is more than capable of ensuring that the right son is chosen as the next link in the chain. That son is Jacob, though he has a lot of learning and suffering to do before he’s ready to be a Patriarch.

Though Isaac is not the great man his father was, nevertheless he is still his father’s son and therefore highly favored by the Lord. What the stories of Isaac and Abimelech tell us is that even for those who are not as naturally great as Abraham, the Lord’s favor is powerful for those who are part of Abraham’s family!

I take comfort in this fact. What about you?


Today’s Scripture

Genesis 25:19-26:33