Andrew Forrest

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And You Will Betray People*

I find it fascinating that, when Jesus says at the Last Supper that one of the disciples will betray him, each of them asks in response, "Surely you don’t mean me, Lord?"

I wrote yesterday that if even Jesus can be betrayed by someone he loves, then it can happen to any of us.

But it's also true that any of us could be the betrayer. If we think we are the kind of people who would never betray someone we love, then we need to be careful, lest like St. Peter, we end up doing the very thing we swore we would never do. (That's in tomorrow's reading.)

*There is the potential in each one of us to be Judas. In fact, I think the more we humble ourselves and admit that we're not better than anyone else, the less likely it is that we become the kind of people who sell their friends for 30 pieces of silver.

Pride goes before a fall. So, help us, Lord, become faithful people.

Today’s Scripture:

Matthew 26:17-29

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