Andrew Forrest

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Luke's Gospel Begins

For the next several months, we'll be reading Luke's Gospel together. Some quick points:

  1. After reading Matthew and then Mark, I've noticed how different Luke's style is. Compared with Mark's vivid immediacy, e.g., Luke seems much smoother and more elegant.
  2. Luke tells us in his prologue (Luke 1:1-4) that he has studied other sources (other Gospels?) and deliberately arranged his account in a way that will help us readers have confidence that Jesus is the Lord. Note that Luke doesn't say that he was in some kind of trance when he was writing; rather, God used Luke's free will and hard work to give us this Gospel.
  3. Zechariah disbelieves the angel's promise that he will have a son (John the Baptist) in his old age. Note that Zechariah's disbelief doesn't keep God's word from happening; Zechariah's disbelief keeps Zechariah from having the joy and peace the come from trusting God at his word.

Over and over, scripture tells us not to be afraid. Don't let your worries rob you today of the joy and peace that God's word brings.

Today’s Scripture:

Luke 1:1-25

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