Andrew Forrest

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The Good Samaritan

Some brief thoughts on the Parable of the Good Samaritan:

  • This parable is utterly brilliant--see how Jesus totally flips the perspective?
  • Neighbor moves from the object ("Who is my neighbor?) to the subject ("How can I be a neighbor?").
  • Samaritans were HATED by the Jews and considered half-breeds. Who would be the Samaritan today if Jesus were telling YOU this parable? Donald Trump? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? An illegal immigrant? A member of the Border Patrol?
  • Jesus makes it clear that there is no limit how much we should love and care for other people--the Good Samaritan does far more than just the minimum.
  • The Christians faith is not about believing but about doing. Jesus says, "Go and do likewise."

To whom do you need to be a Good Samaritan today?

Today’s Scripture:

Luke 10:25-37

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