Andrew Forrest

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"He Will Crush Your Head"

[Image: “Virgin Mary Consoles Eve.” Crayon and pencil by Sister Grace Remington, OCSO, 2003, Sisters of the Mississippi Abbey.]

As part of the curse that the Lord God pronounces over the serpent, we read:

“And I will put enmity
    between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head,
    and you will strike his heel.

—Genesis 3:15

What does this mean?

God is here saying that a child of the woman will one day defeat the serpent, though he will be wounded in the process.

In other words, it’s a messianic prophecy: it is exactly what happens with Jesus, who defeats Evil by being crucified.

SO GREAT! Thank you, Jesus!

Speaking of great, how about that picture above? Be sure to look at Mary’s feet.

Today’s Scripture

Genesis 3:14-24