Andrew Forrest

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If You Memorize Only One Psalm, It Should Be Psalm 23

Psalm 23

In nearly every hospital room and deathbed I’ve ever visited, I’ve recited the words of the Twenty-Third Psalm. I’ve found there is great value in the memorization of scripture, and I’d like to challenge you to learn this psalm by heart. Are you in?

[Note: I didn’t end up publishing a post yesterday on Psalm 22—I was just too tired on Sunday. Hope you forgive me!]

P.S. My son and I climbed the Munger belltower a few weeks ago—even children find comfort in knowing these words of David, the shepherd-king.

P.P.S. “Psalm 23” by Shane and Shane.

P.P.P.S. “House of God Forever” by Jon Foreman.