Andrew Forrest

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Is This How a Man Should Behave?

As we’re following the story told in Genesis 37-50, we are watching to see how an important question will get answered:

Who will lead the family after Jacob is gone?

In Genesis 37, Joseph seems to be the leading candidate, since he is both his father’s favorite and the most gifted. As the chapter closes, however, Joseph finds himself sold into Egyptian slavery—not a promising situation.

And then Genesis 38 seems to be a non sequitur—we want to follow Joseph’s journey, and instead we’re given—without any explanation—this strange story about Judah, #4 of Jacob’s 12 sons. Here’s why:

We’re shown something important about Judah that will help us understand if he should or should not be the leader after Jacob.

Reading along the story of Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar so far, what do you think?

Is this how a man should behave?

Today’s Scripture

Genesis 38:1-23