Andrew Forrest

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TONIGHT - Romans Kickoff Bible Study

I will be preaching and leading a study at Asbury through Paul’s Letter to the Romans all fall. The kickoff Bible study is TONIGHT (8/28) in the Asbury Sanctuary, 6:30-8:00 PM. Going to be out of town? First of all, cancel your plans. Secondly, the study will be live-streamed.

Dinner is available beforehand starting at 5:00 PM.

Asbury is a Bible-reading church. Reading and loving the Bible is a central goal and value for us, because reading the Bible will change your life.


In Romans 12:1-2, Paul says that if want to know God’s will for our lives, we need to have our minds transformed:


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.[12:2]


We are all affected by ideas, and the way to transform your mindset—your thought-patterns—is to focus the right ideas.


Romans, in all its depth and complexity, is exactly the kind of thing that can transform your mindset, if you are willing to put in the work and seek to first understand and then to think about what Paul is saying.


So, as I mentioned above, this fall we will be reading through Romans as a church at Asbury. I’ve put together a reading plan that parcels out a small amount of reading for each day, Monday - Friday (though our reading plan STARTS on this Sunday—don’t miss that!); each day there is that day’s Scripture reading, and then I’ve written some commentary to help you get the most out of your reading. What I am calling Romans Part 1 will cover chapters 1-7 and will take us through the month of September.


This is going to be good.


Pick up your Romans book at Asbury this weekend so you can start with us on September 1. Readings start on SUNDAY this week!

  • If you live in Dallas, email Sandie and she’ll tell you how you can pick yours up for yourself there in town.

Each day’s reading is posted here at 3:30 AM, and if you are on my Bible mailing list, it will be emailed to you at 4:30 AM (Central Time).