Andrew Forrest

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“We will not neglect the house of our God.”

I can’t win.

If I talk about tithing—giving 10% of whatever comes in to the ministry of Christ’s church—folks will just say, “Of course you say that. You’re not a disinterested party, and you just want our money.”

If I do NOT talk about tithing, then folks will never understand that it’s important!

In our reading today from Nehemiah 10, we see that Nehemiah and Ezra have the people pledge to give a tenth part of their income to the ministry of the newly-rebuilt Temple. This is an important part of what repentance looks like—to commit to living the right way.

It’s really that simple. If you are a follower of Jesus, you need to be a tither—whatever comes in the door, give 10% of it to your local church.

If you think I’m just after your money, then I’ll call your bluff: if Munger is your local church, then just find another local church and give it there. That’s how much I believe in tithing.