Andrew Forrest

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"Where Would We Go?"

Somehow we enlightened modern Americans think we’re the only ones who’ve ever been offended by Jesus.

In fact, Jesus has always been offensive.

Now, it’s true that Jesus offends different cultures in different ways. But, it’s very clear that Jesus has been offensive since the very beginning.

(Why else would they have wanted to kill him?)

After Jesus has driven off lots of his followers because of his offensive statements on eating his body and drinking his blood (seriously, he said that!), he turns to the Twelve and asks,

“Are you going to leave, too?”

I love Simon Peter’s response:

“Where would we go?”

What else is there? Where would we go, if we left?





Career success?

New Age philosophy?

Eastern spirituality?

Where would we go?

Jesus is life. And there’s nothing else.

Today’s Scripture

John 6:60-71