Andrew Forrest

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My Own Blood Never Looked So Good

photo-2(I had my wife take this picture--I want to remember today.)

We're about halfway through 2014. How are you doing on your goals for the year? 


One of my goals for the year was to do 20 strict pull-ups, unbroken. ("Strict" means straight pull-ups without any swinging or "kip;" "unbroken" means 20 without coming off the bar.) This was a stretch goal for me, because at the end of 2013 I could at most do 1 or 2 pull-ups, even with a kip. My whole life had been like that: I've always been bad at pull-ups.As I've mentioned previously on this blog, I've been ruthless this year about getting up and working out early in the morning every day. Often, my morning workout called for pull-ups, and whenever that was the case, I'd use a resistance band to make them easier. But this morning, I decided to try the workout (which called for pull-ups) without a band. Over the course of today's workout, I ended up doing 60 pull-ups (in sets of 10, broken up by?other exercises), but the best part was that I was able to do the first set of 10 unbroken! (I ended up tearing my hands, but it was worth it.) So, I think my goal for the year is definitely possible.I know it doesn't sound like much, and for some of my dear readers my lowly pull-up total is a joke, but for me this morning was a big deal. I've never been so satisfied to see my own blood as I was this morning. 

6 Months Left in 2014

On some of my other 2014 goals I've made similar progress, on others I have some ground to make up. Either way, as difficult as the discipline of pursuing goals is, the satisfaction of accomplishment outweighs the difficultly.So, what will you use these next 6 months to accomplish? Memorize a psalm? Run a 10k? Save $1,000? Let me know in the comments, below.