Andrew Forrest

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3 Reasons Why You'd Better Be Stubborn [#EatThisBook - Exodus 6]

Anyone can start something. Starting is easy. But it's what happens in the middle between starting and finishing that makes things difficult. And this is why you are going to have to be stubborn.

3 Reasons You'll Need to Be Stubborn

  1. Hope is hard. The Israelites have been so oppressed and downtrodden that believing that life could be better has become impossible for them: "Moses told this to the Israelites; but they would not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and their cruel slavery" (6:9). At work, at home, wherever you find yourself, you'll need to stubbornly insist:?things can be better! Many people have given up that hope long ago.
  2. Doubt will creep in. Moses, having encountered difficulty in front of him (in Pharaoh) and behind him (in the Israelites) inevitably begins to wonder "And how exactly is this going to work?" (6:12). When you doubt creeps in, you'll need to stubbornly insist:?fear is a liar and doesn't have the last word.1188-large
  3. Love is stubborn. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13). Love is stubborn. God loves his people and will not give up on them, no matter what (6:2-8). You and I have been created in the image of God and called by God to love this world. It's a world in desperate need of stubborn, unsentimental love.

Where do you need to add some stubbornness today?