Andrew Forrest

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2018 Xmas Commitment Parody Video

It's now a tradition: our staff films a parody video in anticipation for Christmas Commitment Sunday each year. There are many gems in this year's version, but I'd be remiss if I didn't draw your attention to the amazing choreography. (My colleague Amanda Pedigo wrote, directed, wardrobed, choreographed, filmed, and edited this. She'd probably say "starred" as well, but I don't know 'bout that.) 123[embed][/embed]This coming Sunday is Christmas Commitment Sunday at our church. It‘s like our 21st century urban version of what used to be called Harvest Sunday in rural, agricultural churches: we thank God for his provision toward us in the 12 months past, and ask for his protection and provision in the year to come. Folks come forward and kneel and make a gift to finish strong in their current year giving toward the church, and make a commitment to give back a portion of God‘s blessings in the year to come. It‘s a powerful moment to see hundreds of households come forward and kneel and pray.Someone took this picture of my family kneeling at last year's Christmas Commitment Sunday. (I wrote about why last year was particularly meaningful for us.)Can't wait.  

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