Start Planning Your Sabbath Today


[Note to my subscribers: As usual, this post went live on my blog at 3:30 AM this morning, but yet again we had some technical difficulties in sending it out via email, which is why you are only just now receiving this. The reason is a good reason: my subscriber number keeps increasing, and so I keep burning through the limits set by the email provider. —AF]

Jesus makes an interesting point when the Jews attack him for healing the lame man on the Sabbath:

“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”

The practice of ceasing work on the 7th day comes from Genesis 1, where God rests on the 7th day and ceasing from the work of creation. However, the rabbis also acknowledged that Sabbath doesn’t mean that God stops caring for and upholding Creation, and Jesus makes the same point.

There is a sense in which God never takes a day off (since nothing would exist without God’s continued care).

The good news is that we are not God.

How can you start planning today for a true Sabbath day this weekend?


Today’s Scripture

John 5:16-30