My Daughter and Me at Dawn

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Every weekday morning I or a member of our Munger staff leads online community prayer. I enjoy leading it from White Rock Lake whenever possible, and recently my little daughter has started to accompany me.

Yesterday morning was a lovely morning at the lake. We arrived just as the dawn was breaking and enjoyed leading everyone through our brief morning liturgy and taking prayer requests. At the end of morning prayer, we always close by reciting The Lord’s Prayer. My daughter has been working on it with me, and this is how we ended our time together yesterday.

What I like about the video above is how we are looking at each other as we’re reciting it. I’m focused on her, and she’s focused on me.

It struck me later that this is what being a father is all about. Lord knows I fail at this most of the time, but I want to be this kind of father, patiently pouring into his children what he knows about the world so that they can grow up to become big and strong and wise.

Fathers, God has already given us all that our children need from us. More than anything, they need our quiet attention and to benefit from whatever little we possess that’s good, true, and wise. If we give them that—no matter how inadequate or insignificant—we’ll be giving them all that we can.

And that will be enough.