How to Have a Great Lent

Ash Wednesday.jpg

Lent is about preparation.

Will you be ready?


Beginning Ash Wednesday and ending Holy Saturday, Lent is the 40 day period leading up to Easter.

Here are 3 ways to get yourself ready for the raucous good news of Easter Sunday!



Before modern times, virtually all Christians spent time in fasting.  Why not try it this Lent?

Give up a certain type of food for a certain period, e.g., skipping lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays.



Make regular prayer a Lenten habit.

Here’s how: Sit in the same place each time. Put your phone in another room. Focus your thoughts on the Lord. (I find a prayer rope helps me.)

And any Mungarians reading this should definitely take a shift in our Easter Prayer Vigil.



Attend Sunday worship every week—NO MATTER WHAT. Unless you are sick, don’t miss Sunday worship—and being out of town is not a reason to miss—other towns have churches, too.

If you are a Mungarian, attend Wednesday morning communion (7:30-8:00 AM). I lead it every week in the sanctuary.

Plan now and schedule your life around Holy Week services.


Easter is always good news, but when we prepare—when we remember that the Cross comes before the Crown—Easter becomes ELECTRIC.

Will you be ready?