Election Day 2020: 3 Truths


If you are a Christian, here are three truths to keep in mind this Election Day 2020.



Being Right Is Less Important Than Loving the People Who Are Wrong

Politics matters. It’s because of politics that we have hot water at the tap, paved airport runways, and a court system. Politics is how we live together in peace. Civilization is not inevitable, and it is politics that makes it possible.

Politics is important, which means argument and persuasion and ideas are also important.

Good ideas will lead to human flourishing; bad ideas will lead to human misery. Ideas matter! It’s important that we have the right ideas.


As a Christian, I know that being right is less important than loving people who are wrong. Don’t give up your ideas, but also don’t let them tempt you into hatred, contempt, or condescension.

So, this election don’t be so consumed with having the right political ideas that you forget to love—i.e., to actively will the good—of the people who are wrong. Even the ones who are voting the wrong way!



Sometimes Losing Is Winning

There is a tremendous temptation to give way to despair if your side or issue or candidate doesn’t win. Resist that temptation!

Life is inherently unpredictable; each of us knows countless examples of things that seemed like setbacks at the time only to later turn out for the best.

On Good Friday, it looked like Jesus had been defeated, but on Easter Sunday it was clear he had actually won—through losing!

If your candidate or issue or side loses this Election Day, why not ask the Lord to use the apparent defeat to set up a future victory?



It’s Possible to be Happy Even In Difficult Circumstances

Don’t believe the lie that it’s not possible to be happy if your circumstances (political or otherwise) are imperfect.

Happiness comes from finding the goodness of God in your everyday circumstances right now.

Let’s try it.