A Psalm a Day in May
White Rock Lake. 21 April 2021. 7:14 AM.
2021—The Year of Paul
This year at Munger we’re studying the life and writings of the Apostle Paul, and the plan is for us to have read through Acts and all Paul’s letters by the end of the year. I’m also preaching on Acts and Paul throughout the year (at least until Advent 2021).
The problem is that we read through the letters faster than I can adequately preach through them!
For example, we’ve been reading through Philippians (4 times over the past month), but I am not close to being done preaching through Philippians.
(I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep up a regular blogging schedule through Philippians, by the way.)
My Own Personal Daily Reading Plan: One Psalm a Day, Every Day
In April 2020, we started a reading plan in the Psalms at Munger, one psalm a day. I’ve continued doing that reading plan, and am now in my 3rd sequence—I’ve gotten a lot out of reading one psalm a day (for 150 days), and then starting over again. I particularly like seeing my notes and markings from the previous times I’ve read through. Also, I appreciate the simplicity of one psalm a day, every day.
My Bible Reading Plan for May
For May, I’m not ready to begin a new Pauline letter, as I’m planning on continuing to preach through Philippians. So, to allow us to catch up, I’d like to invite you to jump in to reading the Psalms along with me—one psalm a day.
We’re going to start at Psalm 85 tomorrow (May 1), because that’s where I personally am in my own daily reading.
We’ll finish with Psalm 115 on Memorial Day, May 31.
(We’ll start reading Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians on June 1.)
What to Expect
If you are on my daily Bible mailing list, for the month of May I’ll post a brief devotional thought on that day’s psalm each day at 3:30 AM, and mail it directly to your inbox at 4:00 AM.
Feel feel to unsubscribe if this doesn’t work for you—I know what it’s like to get unwanted email!
Looking forward to reading along with you.