Happy Thanksgiving!
I have my own personal reading plan that I’ve been following for several years now: I read one psalm a day, every day. There are 150 psalms, so when I get to Psalm 150, the next day I start again with Psalm 1.
Because I’m writing and working on future reading plans (Revelation begins January 2!), I don’t always read the churchwide current reading on its specified day. Instead, I always keep pushing on with my reading plan through the Psalms, one psalm a day, rinse and repeat when I get to Psalm 150.
There is a simplicity to this plan that really appeals to me, and I find beginning each day with a psalm to be a comfort (even when the psalms are sometimes dark and violent!). I have an app on my phone that tells me each morning what number psalm I’m on that day. (Unlike our churchwide reading plans, my reading plan through the Psalms is 7 days a week, so I read one on Saturday and Sunday, too.)
You are certainly welcome to join me in my practice. Our Advent reading plan begins on Monday, November 28, but if you’re interested in following along with my Psalms reading plan, today is Psalm 57.
Psalm 58 will be Friday.
Psalm 59 will be Saturday.
Psalm 60 will be Sunday. You get the idea.
Happy Thanksgiving!