Harvest or Hell?


To recap:

  • Judgments alone do not produce repentance (see Revelation 9:20-21).

  • Jesus creates the church to tell the truth—to bear witness—to the unbelieving nations, and the church’s testimony and truth-telling even unto death actually leads people to repent and give glory to God (see the Parable of the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11:3-13)!

  • The church faces great opposition and persecution from evil (see Revelation chapters 12 and 13)—the battle between the church and evil is THE struggle in history.



Today, we read Revelation 14:6-20 which is about the effect the church’s/martyrs’ testimony will have on the nations. There are two possible outcomes to the church’s/martyrs’ testimony:

  1. The nations will repent and be gathered into the kingdom in a great harvest (14:14-16).

  2. The nations will refuse to repent, and will be judged along with the beast in the winepress of the wrath of God (14:17-20).

Which will it be? John doesn't tell us—he just describes the two possibilities.