Let's Talk Politics [Psalm 72]


Psalm 72 is a royal coronation psalm. It’s a prayer for Israel’s king. The psalmist asks the Lord to bless him and make him just.


We have no kings here; today, this psalm can be a model for how to pray for our leaders, as well as a model for what godly leadership looks like.


Of course, Israel’s kings never actually lived up to this promise; many of them were wicked, and none of them was perfect.


Our leaders also fail us, and they will always do so. This is because we cannot save ourselves: we need a savior.


And so, this psalm is finally a messianic psalm—it’s about the Jesus, and his future reign.


When we pray, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” this is what we’re praying for.


Politics is important, but it won’t ultimately fix what’s wrong with us. Therefore, put not your ultimate trust in princes—put your ultimate trust in the Prince of Peace.


P.S. This also means that you should not put your ultimate trust or focus in politics—it can’t save us. Is your current level of anger or frustration or contempt for folks of other political opinions therefore appropriate?