Pick Up the Stone Right in Front of You [Day #3]


Don’t skim or scan today’s Nehemiah passage. Yes, it first seems like a tedious list of who did what when, but I think it’s worth reading for 2 reasons:

  1. All the specific historical details are a clue: this really happened!

  2. All the names and groups of people listed are an insight into Nehemiah’s leadership genius: he got everyone to do a part.



The rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem is a difficult project to undertake, and it will only be successfully completed if Nehemiah gets everyone to do his or her part. Which, of course, is what he does.



Friends, there is a lot of building to do, and it can be overwhelming—where do we begin?

Take the next faithful step right in front of you; pick up the stones right there, and get to work on your section of the wall.

Let us rise up and build!