Quick Thought on Joseph

Personal Update:

I have been busier this past week than I’ve ever been in my life. I’m sorry I’ve missed commenting on the past few days of Genesis readings. I’ve heard from lots of you that you missed getting my daily commentaries. I didn’t know anyone even read them!

If you missed last night’s Munger Digital Townhall Meeting, please catch up with it here.

My wife and I are launching a new podcast. Stay tuned!

As I said last night in the meeting and will be saying again, there is nothing in the world to stop us from becoming stronger as a church through this crisis. And there is nothing that will stop you from becoming more deeply rooted in Christ during this crisis. Keep going with your scripture readings!



Quick thought on Joseph in Egypt. I think we are meant to see Joseph as a morally ambiguous character. He is brilliant, yes, and we are explicitly told that the Lord was with Joseph when he was enslaved and in prison, but after that, when he rises to his position of power we are never told that again.

I think the reason for that omission is that Joseph forgets where he came from. He marries an Egyptian woman and speaks and dresses like an Egyptian.

He does save his people, yes, but perhaps that could have happened if he didn’t fully acculturate to Egypt.

Centuries and centuries later, Daniel rises to a position of power in a foreign land, but Daniel never forgets his identity.

How do you need to reclaim your identity as part of the people of God today?


Today’s Scripture

Genesis 42:29-34