
The Greek word that John uses in 18:40 to describe Barabbas can mean “robber,” but it can also mean “revolutionary” or “insurrectionist.” We learn from Mark and Luke that Barabbas was a murderer as well. In other words, Barabbas had been arrested by the Romans because he was trying to overthrow Roman rule.

And what happens? Barabbas is freed, and Jesus is crucified.

Pontius Pilate releases a murderer and crucifies an innocent man.


Today’s Scripture

John 18:28-40

Jesus Walked Here The Last Night of His Life

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I filmed the video below earlier this year by the excavations of the high priest’s house in Jerusalem. Jesus actually walked on these stones!

(By the way, I’m going to be taking another trip to Israel in January-February 2021. [In an earlier version I wrote 2020!] Stay tuned for more info.)


Today’s Scripture

John 18:19-27