How to Delay The Blessings God Has Planned For You

This is what the Lord said to Abraham in his initial command:

“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” [Genesis 12:1]

Here’s what happens next:

“So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.” [Genesis 12:4]

I think it’s possible that Abram wasn’t willing to completely break from his father’s household, which is why he brought his orphaned nephew along with him. But, Lot isn’t the heir the Lord has in mind, and it’s no surprise that they eventually have to part. No doubt the parting was painful, but it opens the door for Abram’s own son to (eventually!) be born.

The surest way to delay God’s blessings for your life is to be only partially obedient to God’s command. God’s purposes will be realized no matter what; the problem with partial obedience is that it hurts us by delaying what God wants to give us.

P.S. Lest you think that I’m being too hard on Abraham here, let me make up for it by pointing out that Abraham’s greatness is shown in the episode that immediately follows his parting with Lot. 1. Abraham initially avoids entanglement in this war of the kings; 2. But when Lot is in danger, Abraham risks his own life to rescue him; 3. Abraham devises a cunning plan whereby his inferior force routs a superior one; 4. Abraham blesses Melchizedek, proving that those who bless Abraham will be blessed; 5. Abraham refuses the spoils of war offered to him from the King of Sodom; 6. but he graciously speaks up for his fighting men and allows them to be rewarded. Not a bad business!


Today’s Scripture

Genesis 13:1-14:24