How to Be Antifragile

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My apologies for missing Friday’s post—our house was actually burglarized on Thursday evening, though later that evening my friend and I actually caught the bad guys! A story for another day. The point is that I didn’t get my post finished.

I preached on Acts 3-4 Sunday, and I’ve included the video below.

[Today’s scripture reading is Acts 4:32-37—a summary statement from Luke about the generosity of the early church toward people in need.]



How to be Antifragile

Something fragile is hurt by stress and difficultly.

Something ANTIFRAGILE becomes stronger through stress and difficulty.

A candle in the wind is quickly snuffed out;

A fire in the wind gets stronger.

If ever there were a time to learn how to get stronger through difficulty, now is that time.

Now is the time to become ANTIFRAGILE.

The early church in Acts faced great difficulties and it grew because and not in spite of those difficulties.

When Peter and John are arrested, for example, their response to the threats they face is astounding.

(Hint: they don’t ask for the threats to be removed.)