We Begin Philippians Today!


We’re doing something different this time at Munger:

We’re going to read Philippians through 4 times over.

The Bible is meditation literature, and it offers its treasures up to those who read it over and over and over.

Philippians is a beautiful, sweet little letter, written by Paul of Tarsus during his time of Roman house arrest (AD 60-62?), addressed to a church he founded in the Macedonian Roman colony of Phillipi over a decade earlier.

It’s worth re-reading and memorizing, if you’re up for it. We’ll be reading through it once a week for the next 4 weeks. Philippians is 4 chapters long, so we’ll read one chapter a day, Monday-Thursday, use Friday as a catch-up day, and take the weekends off. Use your scripture journal to make notes and jot down thoughts and questions. (Pick up a scripture journal at church, or order one here.)

Let’s go!



Philippians Week 1, Day 1:

Philippians Chapter 1



Paul is writing to the church in Philippi from house arrest in Rome. He notes that even the members of the Imperial Guard (v. 13, lit., “praetorium”) know that he is innocent of any crime and merely imprisoned because he preached about Christ. Although Paul’s situation is serious, he shows no anxiety over it: “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (v. 21). In other words, no matter what happens, it will be good.

What if you lived that like today?

In light of the message of Easter, how else could we live?

No matter what happens, it will be okay.