What I Texted My Friend This Morning [Psalm 19]


I texted an explanation of this beautiful psalm in my own words to a friend this morning, which I decided to share with you below.

Leave me a comment or send me a message and let me know if my explanation makes sense!



Looking at the skies, it’s as if they are filled with writing that is telling us about the glory of the Lord. All day and all night, you can read “GLORY” written there, even though nothing is actually “written” there. But, no matter where you go, you can still see the message.

In particular, the sun is glorious. It’s like he is a strong man waking up after his wedding day, and he delights to run his race and show his strength as he makes his way from East to West every day. Imagine a man coming out of his tent, stretching his shoulders and rejoicing at the new day.

And the heat of the sun is felt EVERYWHERE, searing every inch that is exposed to it, searching every crevice with its heat. Imagine the noonday heat of the sun in the desert, where there is no place to hide from its burning.

You know, that’s what the teachings of the Lord are like! It is pure and clean and bright. It makes things clear and shows them beautiful.

The law of the Lord is golden like sunlight and golden and sweet like honey.

The law’s light burns into me and shows me the things I had tried to hide.

Lord, please burn up anything dark and rotting in me, and make me clean!