What Would You Have Said on Mars Hill?


Today in our reading (Acts 17:16-34), the Apostle Paul goes to one of the most famous places on earth—the ancient city of Athens, where he speaks to the philosophers and denizens of Mars Hill, otherwise known as the Areopagus (Ares is the Greek name of the god of War, known as “Mars” in Latin, and “pagos” is how you say “hill” in Greek).

The entire speech is worth reading in full.

My question to you, however, is this:

What would you have said if you were there? Or, better yet:

“In a paragraph or less, how would you talk about Jesus to someone in our time who had been raised in a completely secular environment?”

Post in comments, or reply as an email. I’m sincerely curious. I know it’s a hard assignment, so just give it your best shot.