How to Improve Your Grip Strength


This morning at our Asbury Men’s Breakfast, I gave a talk entitled:

How to Get a Date and Keep a Wife.

It was really fun pulling into the parking lot before dawn and seeing so many cars already there. When I walked into the room where the breakfast was held, the line was out the door!


The program started with the guys singing two hymns together. Man, I love hearing a room full of men singing together! Here are 2 brief videos I recorded with my iPhone.



My goal is to talk about practical things that will help Christian men thrive in our culture.

So, you had to be there, but one of the things we discussed is the importance of strength, particularly grip strength. Virtually every man can improve his grip strength. So, the links below are some things I personally am using. You might want something harder or easier, so consider accordingly.



Equipment for Improving Grip Strength




And you can’t beat the good ole Farmer’s Carry:


Good luck, gents!


P.S. Here’s the handout I distributed. See if you can fill-in the blanks yourself.

P.P.S. Devoted readers will recall a similar post last year. Sometimes it’s just good to repeat yourself!

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