Easter 2022 - I'm Going to Miss This So Much
Lots of fun pics and videos below from Easter 2022 at Munger. Christ is Risen Indeed!
It was yesterday, during rehearsal, that it really hit me: I’m going to miss this place so much.
(I was wearing sunglasses, so no one could see I was crying.)
You know what got me? Just how much fun our band was having.
For example:
and this:
And then just all the joy this morning made me feel so grateful—my 12th Easter at Munger! First some fun videos I took from the stage, then some pics from the morning.
Easter began in the dark at 6:30 AM, by candlelight.
And then we closed the service in the light, out on the front steps.
The balloon company dropped off our balloon arches at 4:00 AM!
Lots of empty seats to fill….
And the only thing better than a full parking lot…
Is filling it TWICE!
Staff pic—man I love these folks. (Poor Rich was sick at home and couldn’t join us.)
Love our stage under the live oaks.
Does YOUR church have a pedal steel on Easter?!
Does YOUR church have llamas on Easter?!
He is risen indeed!
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to be a part of spreading the Good News in East Dallas these past 12 years. It’s been the great privilege of my life.